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Quick Facts

Some financials and business info on us

Lemonface TECHNOLOGIES Corp, an IT and Innovations lab start-up concept, registered as C-Corporation in Lewes, Delaware - United States of America. Backed by its multinational corporate founders, Lemonface Technologies was formed specifically to carry out already existing jobs / contracts in its business field. 

Stay up to date with our corporate news here.

Associates Designers and Agents worldwide



70,000 USD Initial Shareholder Capital Contribution



Years IT / Innovation



Languages service

Ecosystem Development - Lemonface Technologies

Ecosystem Development

A  4 years ecosystem development and implementation contract signed with Quayambaya / BNHE Concept for tropical rainforest conservation technology-

Bris recognition in biometrics

Biometric Data - Geo- location APP

Development , implementation / admin and operation of Biometrics / GEO-location tracking Android / iOS APP  under a 3 years, monthly retainer contract with aid4face2geo.

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