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Innovator2024 - the only Affiliate Membership License offering you to become part of a global pioneering network, building jointly a better future, secure your economic and financial stability and independence - while being on the frontline in promoting sustainable development user case solutions, shaping the world of tomorrow. 



The Innovat2024 License gives you the right to participate as Affiliate in the companies commercial activities, projects and operations. Entitled to rewards, performance oriented compensation and bonus renumerations, - the company also expects your physical work contribution, - especially in the field of concept / membership promotion and marketing, concept and project administrative tasks as well as consultant assignments as set forth in roundtable sessions

Best Value

INNOVATOR 2024 Affiliate



Innovator2024 Affiliate License

Valid for one year

Personal Innovator2024 License, Founders edition

Personalized Lemonface Technologies brand T-shirt and Kit

240 Common Shares - Equity Option 31.12.2024

Innovator2024 Affiliate Certificate

Affiliate Marketing and Profit participation rights 2024

Project roundtable access and online seminars access rights

Your Equity OPTION


Your Innovator2024 Affiliate license offers the option to convert the membership into an equity / stock option, obtaining 200 Common Shares with voting powers from the company, issued in your name on the 31.12.2024. Your Affiliate license membership fee of 475 USD covers your full payment to realize the equity / shares option. The company has 120,000 authorized voting common shares, issued at PAR 0.5 USD - current market price 3.333 USD / Share.  See equity option terms.

Legal Definition

Lemonface Technologies Corp (the Company) is considered a Start-Up venture. Capital obtained from membership fees is used to further strengthen and expand the company, its operations and product design development. The membership fees are considered under SEC legal definition as Seed Capital Round, whereby exercising the equity / stock option on 31.12.2024 will require a SEC Securities Exchange Commission corporate filing under Rule 701, Rule 0 (b) and / or Regulation D regulations. The stock / equity conversion option may be available to accredited investors only, subject to SEC ruling. 

Innovator2024 License - your entry ticket to your future

Innovator2024 License

Your entry ticket

Your license membership is your entry ticket to the exclusive Innovator2024 network of up to 400 global Lemonface Technologies Affiliates, including income, profit participation and equity option benefits.

Innovator2024 Affiliate Membership License BNPL
Innovate a sustainable future @ Lemonface Technologies
Innovator2024 - your new job @ Lemonface Technologies

Dream your life or live your dream. @ Lemonface we believe in giving our best daily and always have a positive altitude. makes everything possible.

Income generating concept @ Lemonface Technologies


lets build your future

Your license membership is your entry ticket to the exclusive Innovator2024 network of up to 400 global Lemonface Technologies Affiliates, including income, profit participation and equity option benefits.

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