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Partner with us.

Shape your future as Lemonface Agency Partner.

We seek the brightest and most courageous minds out there - lets innovate together, building a better future. Knowing that many IT, software and technology companies are competing on global market for client orders, - we like to change the game. Lemonface TECHNOLOGIES Corp has the client orders / business user cases, - and therefore is searching for and competing as major new challenger to get you, the most brilliant developers onboarded with us. 

Headquartered and incorporated in Delaware, United States of America, Lemonface TECHNOLOGIES is at the present in the process of brand / subsidiary office establishment in Germany (EU), Peru (Latin America), - as well as in India and Asia (China). 

Global Partnerships - Lemonface Technologies

Become a licensed Lemonface Technologies partner agency, working from your home as fully integrated service partner with guaranteed contract assignments.

Growth Opportunities - Lemonface Technologies

Jointly Lemonface partnership agencies define and develop growth opportunities with  unique economic and financial rewards potential for all parties involved. 

Global Network - Lemonface Technologies

We aim to establish a global network of partnership agencies, covering all continents and major metropolitan areas around the world - being multi cultural oriented.

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